Raisin Spittin' Contest

7:06 PM Posted by North Andean Field

Raisin Spittin' Contest
Originally uploaded by
S Hall.
Because Garfield loves all foods EXCEPT raisins, Landon decided to have a raisin spitting contest at the party. It was hysterical!

After a few practice spits, the raisins went pretty far. Juan Puablo (darked headed boy in red shirt) spit the farthest for the kids. Stan spit the farthest for the adults, which made our friend Frank (the one in the hat) try about 30 times to beat Stan's record!

The Gang!

7:03 PM Posted by North Andean Field

The Gang!
Originally uploaded by
S Hall.
Eating cake and ice cream on the playground. Of course, Landon climbed the highest.