Landon's Kayberry Medal

7:48 AM Posted by North Andean Field

Landon's book award
Originally uploaded by
Stan & Sherri Hall.
I got an award at school, called the Kayberry Medal, for writing my own story. As you read my postings, look for the story called "Ben and the Dodgeball Tournement." This is the story that won the award. Happy Reading!

Landon with Bull

7:44 AM Posted by North Andean Field

Landon with Bull
Originally uploaded by
Stan & Sherri Hall.
Some dancers picked me to be a part of the dance circle. I didn't really understand everything, but there was a man dressed as a bull who charged us while we were going around in the circle. In this picture he charges the woman on my right. There were also these men dressed like hunters, so I know it was about hunters chasing a bull. My sister is right across from me in the circle.

Landon with blow gun

7:40 AM Posted by North Andean Field

A long time ago the indigenous people used blow guns to hunt and kill animals. They also used them to kill enemies. The blowgun in the picture is the longest one I've seen. It's huge! If you ever go to this museum, you'll see it's about 4 times the size of what you see in the picture.

My trophy

12:52 PM Posted by North Andean Field

Originally uploaded by
Stan & Sherri Hall.
Our team won the league championship game. I helped by throwing a runner out at first when I was the pitcher. My coach said that I was the most enthusiastic cheer-er for the team and that I improved a lot in all areas of batting, throwing and catching.
(For you St. Louis fans, note that I'm wearing my favorite Cardinals cap!)

My baseball team

12:46 PM Posted by North Andean Field

baseball team
Originally uploaded by Stan & Sherri Hall.

Landon at Bat

1:32 PM Posted by North Andean Field

Landon at Bat
Originally uploaded by
Stan & Sherri Hall.
Landon played baseball this year for the first time in a long time. He really improved a lot. Of course, being the team comedian is where he really excels!

Just Running to 2nd Base!

1:29 PM Posted by North Andean Field

Landon as Pitcher

1:28 PM Posted by North Andean Field

Landon as Pitcher
Originally uploaded by
Stan & Sherri Hall.
This league is machine-pitch which means that when you play pitcher, you're fielding the ball. Also, the other children stop the play by throwing it back to the pitcher. So even though you're not actually pitching, it's a very busy and fun position to play.